Don't Underestimate Your Residents' Comfort Level with Technology

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Neil Krauss
CPO | Founder

We build eSign software for senior living communities. As part of that process, marketing managers often ask us, “Do residents really use software to sign documents?” The general feeling is that residents won’t complete paperwork online. We see over 90% of residents and their family members completing move-in paperwork using only digital tools (Senior Sign). When it comes to technological know-how, we often underestimate the greatest generation and the baby-boomer children that follow them.

The greatest example I have found for this is The Silver Snipers. If you're not-up-to speed on the latest trends in eSports (video gaming leagues and competitions), you may not know about the first professional senior CS:GO (Counterstrike Go) team in the world. They are paid eSports athletes that tour the world playing video games for crowds.

Don’t underestimate your senior living resident’s comfort level technology.
The Silver Snipers and The Grey Gunners eSports Teams

In case you think these seniors are an anomaly, have another look at the Grey Gunners. The irony of a marketing manager not knowing about eSports but assuming that their residents are outdated and won't use new technologies is a funny thought to me.

Go read about Windy, BirDie, YoungGun, Teen Slayer (my favorite) and Trigger Finger and your mind will be blown. The team is sponsored by Lenovo. They have a head coach and a workout program for gamers. These people are amazing!

What we’re trying to say is don't underestimate your resident's ability to navigate their way around a computer, mobile phone, or tablet. They might surprise you. Like the Silver Snipers and Grey Gunners are proving, age is just a number.

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